Vlog (Video + Blog)

Overcoming Systemic Barriers with Equity-led Leadership

When it comes to occupying positions of leadership, women and those from marginalized backgrounds remain underrepresented – and continue to be faced with systemic challenges in advancing to these roles. In this video, I talk to CXO about the challenges faced by current and future leaders, what equity-led leadership really looks like, and how to…

Decolonizing Philanthropy

As my little brother said in a text, “Watched the whole thing. You’re a bad mofo.” Which is about as good as it gets in terms of sibling compliments about an academic presentation on a heady social justice topic. Even if you don’t understand the term “decolonization” and aren’t in the field of philanthropy, check…

Self-Compassion (and What This Means for Women’s Liberation)

Self-compassion is more than being nice to ourselves, which for women is very good news because we tend to be our own harshest critics. We struggle with perfectionism, always finding the flaws in our bodies, our homes, our work, and our roles as daughters/mothers/wives/etc. We’re too busy caring for everyone else, so the idea of…

The Mentorship Paradox (and What this Means for Women’s Liberation)

Oprah is my mentor. And also Brené Brown. Whenever I am in a funk or facing down a fear, I turn to them to find the clarity and peace that I need most. They can be yours, too. All you need is one of their books, podcasts, or YouTube videos to directly access their wisdom.…


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